Only One Lesson Needed: By a Pony’s Protective Parent

Only One Lesson Needed: By a Pony’s Protective Parent

I believe God has a word for you today. Read on!

Beautiful Bella hanging out in the shade.

Bella is a pretty little thing. She stands about 35 inches at the withers and basically resembles a miniature paint horse. She is a horse, just not a full horse. (Shhhhh. Don’t tell her I said that.) She is a shetland pony, built hardy and strong due to her ancestors who pulled carts and plows in the Shetland Isles in Scotland. But no hard work is required of our Beautiful Bella here at the ranch.

How Did She End Up Here

Once upon a time, Bella was kept in very small quarters, hooked to a tie-out. I do believe she was loved. People just misunderstand, because of the shetland size, that they cannot be raised like a dog. They are actually a horse.

Bella and Charlie sharing some hay.

If I could describe Bella’s demeanor, I would have to say “timid” and “sweet”. We have had her for several years now and she still flinches when we halter her and we can only catch her if there is a small area in which we can corner her. However, once we have her, she absolutely loves to be loved on and it shows.

My Thoughts

Because Bella is scared, and ready at any moment to flee, she doesn’t always make the best decisions. Every morning I walk her from her stall to the safety of a paddock area where she can get a little exercise with the other ponies at the rescue. I do this because the “big” horses are all being turned out and I don’t want her to get caught up in all of their shenanigans. It is for her safety. I do not want her to experience the stress and pain of being pushed around, possibly trampled, while they file into their pecking order each day. Please just listen to me, Bella!

Her Thoughts

On the other hand, Bella doesn’t want me to walk her. She wants me to fling open the gate and let her run free, not understanding the consequences because I have kept her sheltered. She considers it controlling, I consider it protection. It’s interesting to me how the horse instincts are very much like human nature. Please just let me free, momma!

God’s Thoughts

The Book of Genesis teaches us that people would definitely rather have the experience of pain, perseverance, and consequences than stay in the safety zone – much like Bella. Although I don’t have time to go through all the Biblical mistakes, one story stands out, the story of Eve. She is so well known, that I don’t have to rehash the way she completely dismissed the message of her Father and ate from the Tree of Knowledge, only to unfold one of the greatest lessons of all time.

Lesson #1: LISTEN TO GOD! DUH!

But I do want to take a moment to have you think about the passage that IS the reason we fall and is linked to Bella’s pending demise. See, Eve is being tempted by the serpent (aka THE DEVIL), who is trying to get her to eat from the Tree of Knowledge. Eve replies with her orders, which were to not eat from the tree NOR touch it, hence keeping her from temptation (that’s a message for another day). The serpent quickly retaliates by calling God a liar and saying he is controlling her only for the sake of keeping her dumb. (Obviously, this is my version, you can read God’s version here.)

Yes, I am controlling Bella. Maybe she won’t actually die, but she will die to the innocence of being a pretty protected little pony. She would be thrust into the large herd and the chaos and demands that would ensue would harm her in ways you may not physically see but would be present in her behavior.

Just as Eve did, we do. We like to do our own thing, figure it out, test the waters. YOLO, right? We are offered a guide, that shelters us, but only if we follow Lesson #1. Listen to God!

Bella too would like to push away from my safety and take her chances. However, I will continue to pull her back into my protective grip until the time is right. Just as God will be gripping you no matter how many times you flee.

God Bless!

Bella sporting her full winter coat.
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